Friday, July 13, 2012

Are Women Prohibited to Drive in Islam?

In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Specially Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of Mankind (male and female)

Islamic Center of Windermere:  Door to Door drive will begin, InshAllah, on July 14, 2012 at 5 PM, and continue until we cover all the communities. We need to select a person responsible for each community, so please let me know if you like to volunteer. 407-873-2187

After writing my last article, I received a comment from one of my dear brothers, who was worried that we may be drinking water with urine in it. So, let us investigate what is the truth. Following is his comment.

'' Islam does not ask us to ban women from driving''.  
Unfortunately this (driving ) of women [art of your article is not permitted in Islaam as it is against the laws of Hijaab.
Your article is 97% water mixed with 3% urine.
Therefore not good for Muslims consumption.


This brother is claiming that women driving a car is against the laws of hijab. In fact, Saudi Arabia bans women from driving, so he is not alone, and many Muslims seems to believe this. If a woman wants to go for grocery with her kids to the market, she is breaking the laws of hijab? If a woman goes to masjid, she is breaking the laws of hijab? If a woman drives with her husband sitting next to her, she is breaking the laws of hijab? How can that be? What laws of hijab are these? Are they mentioned in the Quran, or the Sunnah, or agreed upon by major scholars?

In fact, a little bit of investigation reveals that prohibiting women from driving is more of a cultural influence, and a minority opinion. There is no prohibition in Islam for a woman to go out alone and ride. In the following hadith, wife of Umar ibn AlKhattab (RA) goes out to the masjid, even when he did not give explicit permission. He was the strictest believer regarding hijab, and even complaint to the Prophet (PBUH) regarding his wives, and hence some of the orders of hijab were revealed.

Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Sa'id that 'Atika bint Zayd ibn 'Amr ibn Nufayl, the wife of 'Umar al-Khattab, used to ask 'Umar ibn al-Khattab for permission to go to the mosque. He would keep silent, so she would say, "By Allah, I will go out, unless you forbid me," and he did not forbid her. (Muwatta Malik Book 14 Hadith 14.5.14)

There are other incidents where women came to masjid alone, and Umar knew about it.When Umar himself didn't prohibit women from travelling within the city alone, who else is more pious and understanding then him that can stand up and claim that women should not go out.

Banning women from driving is based on the fear that it will lead to immorality in the society, and it is certainly possible. Just like women going to masjid can lead to immorality. Just like women going to Hajj can lead to immorality. Just like allowing women to walk on the same street with man can lead to immorality. Just like allowing women to go to school can lead to immorality. Just like women working on the battlefield can lead to immorality. There are so many things that could lead to immorality that if we ban these, we will be enslaving women. Is that what Islam want us to do?

In fact, Saudi  Arabia bans women, because it goes against their culture norms, and it is no different than women being banned from masajid in Pakistan, and girls being banned from being educated in Afghanistan. These are not based on Islamic laws, but laws created to satisfy the cultural requirements.

Honestly, it is men feeling insecure and paranoid about the women, and I saw how a man behaved when a woman entered the masjid from the main door. His skin turns pale, eyes widened, face frowned, but the same person I know owns a gift shop where half naked women and covered women come and buy things, and he will smile and say "Thank you Maam." Why not he setup a separate counter for women? 

Islam does not ban women from driving, insecure men do, but we should change that. We should educate ourselves with Quran and Sunnah and replace these twisted ideologies with clear teachings of Islam.

After saying that, Islam does prohibit women from exposing part of her body except hands and face, and interacting with non-mahram men unnecessarily, but we don't have to police that, we should discourage that, without banning them from doing anything.

AbU Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said this: "Two are the types of the denizens of Hell whom I did not see: people having flogs like the tails of the ox with them and they would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined (to evil) and make their husbands incline towards it. Their heads would be like the humps of the bukht camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise and they would not smell its odour whereas its odour would be smelt from such and such distance."( Sahih Muslim Book 24 Hadith 5310)

Brothers, please don't become the first type of residents of hell by banning your wives from doing anything. Teach them Islam and how to behave and don't chain them in the houses like cattles, and don't whip them with driving bans, masjid bans, school bans. You yourself should lower your gaze at work, at school, and at market. You should not be only worrying about banning women but banning your eyes from fornicating. And, you know what I mean. Protect your flock but modestly.

Sisters, please don't become the second type of residents of hell by preparing yourself when going out more than you prepare yourself for your husband. Don't wear the tight blouse and pants under a scarf. Don't socialize with non-mahram men unnecessarily. Your body, your voice, and your actions are all trials for men and an attraction for them. Please don't make it easy for Satan. Fight for your cause but with modesty.

And Allah knows best.

JazakAllah Khairin

A drinker of water without urine. (hopefully)
AbuArman Jumani

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Saudi Arabia: A non-Islamic Country

In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

"O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah and give up what remains from Riba, if you are (really) believers. And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent,you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly" (Quran 2:278-279)

Ibn Majah recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said, "Riba is seventy types, the least of which is equal to one having sexual intercourse with his mother." (Ibn Kathir)

Whenever, I told people that Saudi Arabia is not an Islamic country, some would not believe me, and cite me that the Saudi laws are based on Islamic Sharia, and they would tell me that we should not disrespect the country that contains the two most holy places for believers. In fact, Saudi Arabia has become an Arab country that is populated with Arab Muslims, and is not an Islamic country anymore.Why do I say that? Well, let us look at the following facts, and you can decide for yourself, if Islam is the supreme law of the land.

Saudi Arabia is a kingdom ruled by a family, who establishes the law. If Saudi Arabia was an Islamic country, then Islam will be the supreme law, and any law or royal decree that contradicts Islam would not be implemented. Moreover, any act of disobedience to Allah will not be decreed by the ruler, or tolerated. So, is Saudi Arabia an Islamic Country?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. There is no Islamic country left in this world, and no country can claim that they uphold Islam above all man made law and regulations. Saudi Arabia is probably the best case for a possible Islamic country. However, recently, I realized the hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia, and it was very painful. First I thought that I am mistaken and misunderstanding the situation, but then I verified with my teacher Dr. Anwar Sahib, who lived in Medinah for 15 years, and he concurred with my conclusion.

In 1957, Saudi Arabia surrendered to IMF, and disobeyed Allah's command in the above verse. IMF stands for International Monetary Funds. It is one of the five institution established, on July 22, 1944, during Bretton Woods Conference, during World War II, which established the current world monetary system. Although membership is voluntary, every country was pressured to become member. Initially, no one need to take any assistance, but every country has a credit limit, which can be used to fulfil budget gaps. Loans are taken on interest, and returned over time. Saudi Arabia also fell into the trap.

According to 2011 Article IV IMF report, Saudi Arabia paid 8.6 billion Saudi Riyal in interest payments. Also, SAMA ( Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency) provides loans to commercial banks at discounted rates (interest) to encourage conventional banking systems that has been established in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Citizens earn interest on savings account, and take interest loans. All of this activity is decreed by the Saudi Law which clearly overrides the law of Islam in Saudi Arabia.

How can this be an Islamic country? This is an ultimate hypocrisy. On one side, foreigners are being beheaded, and on the other side Riba is being established. Since when having Allah and his Messenger waging war against you, makes you a leader of believers. I reject this version of Islamic Sharia which is only upheld in some cases and ignored in other.

In fact, Saudi Arabia is not a model for Islam, and we should not look up to it as moral compass. Islam does not ask us to ban women from driving. Islam does not say that Arabs are superior than non-Arabs. Islam does not allow for Al Walid ibn Talal to mock Allah's commandment of Hijab. Islam does not allow for a ruler to establish Riba.

I hope that these facts will clear up the misconception that Saudi Arabia has established the Islamic Sharia, which it has not, because many use it as an argument, and it is clear that Saudi Royal family is the final authority in Saudi Arabia, and not Allah. No one can challenge the royal decree of permitting interest, and get it over ruled on the basis of Quranic verse above. Can they?

One more time. There is no Islamic country in the world, and every believer lives under a non-Islamic rule.

May Allah establishes an Islamic land which is ruled by Allah's commands, and it is only possible, if we keep practicing Islam in our individual lives.

JazakAllah Khairin

Resident of Non-Islamic Country
AbuArman Jumani

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sword is strong, but words are might!

Note: We will be starting our door to door drive for Islamic Center of Windermere on July 14, 2012 at 5 PM. Please call me if you like to participate 407-873-2187.

In the Name of Allah, the one with infinite sight.

Some pulls me from the left, some from the right,
Some ask me, "You are insane right?"
Some love me, some hate me for what I write.

Allah wants us to be upright,
How can that be if we fight?,
Days are passing by and the night,
We will just come, pray, and go home tonight,

I reject this ignorant plight,
If you are truthful, show me the light,
Truth is not dark, it is bright.

"Let us extend the masjid into a might",
So, the Friday becomes our Sunday lite,
Empty Churches comes to my sight,
5 Million Dollar Masjid will be tourist delight.

Communities are Muslim in the name alright,
In them, Islam is nothing more than a hand's slight,
Speeches are heavy, but practice is light.

Everyone thinks that they are right,
I know for sure I am not always right,
I struggle for Allah, for whom do they fight?

All of us holding the rope tight,
But, the rope is not the same, it is hanafite, or salafite,
O Abu Arman! choose a madhab, or we might...
Sorry Brothers! I have jumped the ship with Islam tied

I feel the wind, and the breeze on my side,
Would I land in hell or heaven, Allah is all might.
As I study Islam, it expands my sight,
Who needs a cane, when Allah is the guide.

When I write, observe, and criticize,
They tell me, it has been settled already, alright!
Really! so why Muslims are not at the same height,
Nay, they resist the change, which is forthright.

Follow who you want; Do what you feel right,
Be very sure, that your Imam is right,
Remember, you will answer alone when you have died.
                                                                  - abu arman