Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunnah O Sunnah, Where art thou?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent.

All praise is due to Allah, the Creator of Moon and Sun.

"They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage..." (Quran 2:185)

Narrated Ibn Umar: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "When you see the crescent (of the month of Ramadan), start fasting, and when you see the crescent (of the month of Shawwal), stop fasting; and if the sky is overcast (and you can't see It) then regard the crescent (month) of Ramadan (as of 30 days)". (Bukhari Vol 3 Book 31  # 124)

As I was sitting in the masjid with a brother as he grilled me on my blogs and how I made dua for the Masjid to go broke. I love him for the sake of Allah, and would like him to continue to criticize me, but I stand by that dua. During the critical questioning he asked me a question that must be bothering him for a while. He said "Why do you always criticize the Islamic Center of Orlando, but never praise the good that goes on here?" I answered. "I consider myself the press for the community and report what I see".  I hope what I say below satisfy that criticism.

Yesterday, I found something good about Islamic Center of Orlando. They were the only one following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), and drove it to the perfect conclusion with declaring 30th Ramadhan today. I am blessed to be living in a community where desire to give in to the pressure of majority was suppressed and Sunnah was uphold. I am proud of the steadfastness of the people who reminded me of the companion who did not take the easy way out of creating calendars, or the misguided opinion of following Saudi government.

Interestingly, I was invited for an Iftar in Masjid "Al-Sunnah" and about to break the fast, when a brother across the food made the comment about Islamic Center of Orlando, and mocked the effort of waiting for the moon, and said "They will have Eid next week". Immediately, I corrected him, and told him that they are following the Sunnah. I could see the anger that came to his eyes, and he couldn't believe that I told him the truth. I would have never said this if he didn't mock the Sunnah. He said something about the masjid was built wrong or something, so I said that that may be true, but on this matter, they are correct. He said that aren't Saudi our brothers, and I told him that there is no official global community (Ummah) so we don't follow Saudi.

Masjid Al-Sunnah will be stopping the fast without looking for the moon, which goes against the Sunnah. Ironically, that Masjid doesn't draw lines on the carpet in fear of abandoning the Sunnah, but failed to follow the Sunnah where it matters. They should change the name of the Masjid to Masjid Al-Saudi.

Goal is not to unite the Ummah. Goal is to follow the Sunnah. Unity should follow. Another brother told me there that we should follow the majority. I don't think he realizes that Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was in minority when he was tortured, but he didn't do that. It is absurd to follow Saudi in moon sighting.

If Saudi consider us to be part of their Ummah, hence allowing us to report moon sighting from Pakistan and other parts of the world to them, then I have no issue following a central authority. However, they are not an Islamic society, but a theocracy based on their traditional version of Islam, and they are not interested in including us in their community, as can be seen in their policy of no citizenship for born Muslims in Saudi. I don't want to be a subject to their oppressed Kingdom.

Now, Ijtihad can be done, and Khalifah (or Community leader) can rule to follow the calendar with moonset after sunset rule. ISNA and ISCF are doing that, and whoever follow them are following the Sunnah of Ijtihad as Prophet explained to Muad bin Jabal. Islam is not a Kingdom where Muslims have to bow to the King of Saudi with a goti beard for Sunnah if we are lucky enough that he doesn't trim to the skin like some brothers do nowadays.

I am all for unity in the Ummah, but Unity has to based on Sunnah, and not Unity on Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which doesn't even consider us equals to be able to earn citizenship as Prophet allowed for Migrants. I plead to brothers who are trying to please Saudis, please come back to the Sunnah and please Allah. May Allah guide us All.

JazakAllah Khairin.

A member of Masjid "On" Sunnah
AbuArman Jumani

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