Monday, December 19, 2011

Islamic Society of Windermere: First Meeting

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, The King of Mankind.

"The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, and fear none (at all) except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance." (Quran 9:18)

Aisha (RA) said that the Prophet (PBUH) ordered that mosques should be built
in neighbourhoods. They should be kept clean and perfumed. (Tirmidhi) [Ahmed 26446, Abu Dawud 455, Ibn e Majah 758]

Is there anything more important for a believer to do then participate in building a Masjid? Would one allow some appointment that could be moved to deny them the reward of contributing to house of Allah? When Prophet (PBUH) entered Medina, one of the first things he ordered was construction of the Masjid, and believers cleared up their schedules and took part in it. Of course, if one has prior arrangement, and rescheduling it can have major impact to their life, no one is asking such. However, if one is able to join, but prefer not to, then may Allah give that soul what it sought after.

First Meeting for Islamic Society of Windermere has been scheduled, InshAllah. Following is the meeting information

Date:               Sunday, December 25, 2011
Time:               11:00 AM
Place:              9024 Edenshire Circle (Arlington Bay), Orlando, FL 32836.
RSVP:             Adnan Jumani
RSVP Phone:  407-873-2187
RSVP Email:

Food will be served.

Please RSVP if you are coming so arrangements could be made.

Alhuamdulilah! Everyone I spoke to has shown interest in helping in this effort. We have some people pledged funds already, and others eager to jump in. One concern that many has brought to my attention is regarding this Masjid run by a specific ethnicity or school of thought. I share that concern and will be working to make this Masjid attractive to all genders, race, ethnicity, culture, and school of thoughts. It may be difficult, but if we work together it can be achieved, InshAllah.

Two option for Masjid Location.

- Store in Lakeside Village Center. This will be the best option, if happens.
- Rental Trailer on a rental land. This will take many permits, but can be done.

We will be making big decisions in the first meeting, InshAllah. So, please join us. Some of the points of Agenda are as follows.

- Praising Allah
- Open Forum for questions and concerns
- Selecting Board for the new non-profit organization to lead the effort
- Collecting funds for initial setup
- Decide strategy for finding a location

JazakAllah Khairin


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